PC Koubou Librage BTO MN545aA10 is on sale


We present to your attention the desktop computer Librage BTO MN545aA10 . The system is manufactured by PC Koubou. The desktop can be assembled at the request of the buyer.

The standard assembly proposed by the manufacturer includes: AMD A10-5800K APU processor with a clock frequency of 3.8 GHz, AMD A85X chipset, Radeon HD 7660D graphics card (built-in hardware accelerator), 8 GB RAM (DDR3 memory type used), a 1 TB hard drive, a Super Multi Drive DVD burner and an installed Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit operating system.

The cost of new items is 57,980 yen (approximately 738 US dollars).

Source: Techfresh.net

The article is based on materials https://hi-news.ru/computers/v-prodazhu-postupil-pc-koubou-librage-bto-mn545aa10.html.
