AMD showed a system based on A10-5700 with passive WITH


Together, AMD and ASUS decided to show the concept of HTPC in Japan with a fully passive cooling system. The desktop is assembled in the Streacom FC5 case, which itself acts as a CO for components inside.

The processor is cooled by a special unit, one end of which is mounted on the processor, and the second is attached to the wall of the case. The system was based on the AMD A10-5700 processor, ASUS F2A85-M Pro motherboard based on the AMD A85X chipset of the micro-ATX form factor, uses 8 GB DDR3-1866 MHz RAM with AMD certificate, and the Corsair Force GT SSD .


The concept of the system was built to show that AMD's Trinity APUs are indeed suitable for building a quiet HTPC.


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