This year, profits from the sale of video games will be 62 billion dollars

Игры становятся всё более привлекательны для бизнесменов

People love to play. And proof of this is the annual growth of profits in the video games market. According to analysts' forecasts, this year games will bring about $ 62 billion to developers and publishers.

Let's take a look at the interesting statistics provided on the portal 41% of the sold games are games on physical media: DVD and Bluray disks, cartridges in the case of Nintendo 3DS and Playstation Vita and so on. The volume of games on physical media dropped significantly compared to 2009, when the percentage of disk versions was 68%.

Mobile and online games have bitten off this pie 28 and 31% respectively. The volume of mobile games and online projects continues to grow rapidly from year to year. This growth can be especially clearly seen in the case of Asian countries, where mobile and online games are now experiencing an incredible climb.

"Games on physical media suffer greatly because of the increasing popularity of digital versions. It is unlikely that we will see sales of disks in the future at the level of those years when the market was ruled by the Playstation 2 and Nintendo Wii consoles, "says Strategy Analytics analyst Eric Smith.

Nevertheless, changes in the balance of sales of games on physical media with respect to digital copies did not affect the sales of gaming devices. Sales of gaming consoles alone grew by 14% and, according to analysts' forecasts, will amount to 32 million boxes in 2014. By the way, quite a large number of people, judging by the statistics, decided to switch from mobile games to gaming consoles, which looks pretty amazing in the era of iOS and Android.

The huge turnover of the gaming market causes more and more businessmen to pay attention to toys that they previously thought unappealing. Investments in this area of ​​the economy, apparently, will also grow rapidly in the coming years, which is only in our hands - people who play games.

The article is based on materials
